It is a regulatory requirement that every assessment submission is authenticated as the work of the named learner whether submitted to the centre or the ILM Assessment Service.



APPENDIX 1: Submission Cover Sheet

Instructions to the learner: It is a regulatory requirement that every assessment submission is authenticated as the work of the named learner whether submitted to the centre or the ILM Assessment Service. Therefore this cover sheet, or an alternative form of formal declaration of authenticity if a centre uses electronic systems or e-portfolios, must be completed with each assessment that is submitted.


Any submission that does not carry a cover sheet or a formal declaration of authenticity will not be verified and will result in the centre undergoing a Malpractice Investigation.

Centre name

New Metrics LLC

Centre number


Learner name


Learner registration number


Unit(s) covered in this submission


Date and learner signature


Date and tutor signature


Learner Statement of confirmation of authenticity

By the act of making this submission I am declaring that this is all my own words and that:

·         The work has not, in whole or in part, been knowingly submitted elsewhere for assessment

·         Where the submission includes work from a previous assessment this has been identified

·         Where materials have been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged

·         If this statement is untrue, I acknowledge that an assessment offence has been committed

Centre Statement

By the act of signing this submission I am declaring that this learner’s submission has:

·         Been reviewed for plagiarism and advice provide to the learner on referencing sources used 

·         Learner has received adequate on-programme tutorial support and relevant feedback given

Attention is drawn to the Plagiarism, Collusion and Cheating policy of both the centre and of ILM.  Proven incidents of plagiarism, collusion or cheating can result in a learner being withdrawn from a qualification.



Permission for ILM to use this script

ILM uses learners’ submissions – on an anonymous basis – for assessment standardisation.  By submitting, both the centre and the learner agree that ILM may use this script on condition that identifying information is removed. 

However, if you are unwilling to allow ILM use this script, please refuse by ticking the box:    □




















Submitting an alternate formal declaration of authenticity


Note for centres: If an alternate formal declaration of authenticity is completed by a learner this must as a minimum include the statement:

Statement of confirmation of authenticity

By the act of making this submission I am declaring that this is all my own work and that:

·         The work has not, in whole or in part, been knowingly submitted elsewhere for assessment

·         Where the submission includes work from a previous assessment this has been identified

·         Where materials have been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged

·         If this statement is untrue, I acknowledge that an assessment offence has been committed

Centre Statement

By the act of signing this submission I am declaring that this learner’s submission has:

·         Been reviewed for plagiarism and advice provide to the learner on referencing sources used Learner has received adequate on-programme tutorial support and relevant feedback given

Permission for ILM to use this script

ILM uses learners’ submissions – on an anonymous basis – for assessment standardisation.  By submitting, both the centre and the learner agree that ILM may use this script on condition that identifying information is removed. 

However, if you are unwilling to allow ILM to use this script, please inform us of your preference on the alternate formal notification of authenticity that will be submitted with your script. 

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