It is the student’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism policy contained in the Programme Handbook.

computer science


• It is the student’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism policy contained in the Programme Handbook. 

• Any assignment submitted after the submission deadline, without prior approval, will be given 0% and the student will be referred. 

• The late assignment submission may be marked as a referral attempt, but only a maximum mark of 40% can be awarded for that particular assessment. 

• If a student requests an extension to the official submission date this must be done in writing to the Course Director at least five full UK working days before the official submission date. This request must be accompanied by supporting evidence. 

• This assignment is worth 40% of the overall final mark for the module. 

• Students should write no more than 1600 words (+/- 10%) for this assignment 

• Students are encouraged to read widely in preparing for the assignment, making reference to articles in academic journals and other relevant sources. 

• All references should be cited in text and included in a reference section at the end of the report using the Harvard Referencing Scheme. 

• The Statement and Confirmation of Own Work must be completed and submitted with the assignment. 

• This assignment must be submitted by the due date and time as given on the front of this assignment. 

• Please refer to the Assessment Criteria contained in the Programme Handbook which shows how the level of marking relates to your standard of work.

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