⦁ Submit the assessment – in .pdf format ONLY – electronically via WISEflow before 12:00 noon. Please do not attempt to submit assessment by email or at the Taught Programmes Office (TPO), as these methods are not permitted. If you are experiencing any difficulties submitting the assessment, contact the
⦁ TPO prior to the submission deadline.
⦁ It is the student’s responsibility to keep an electronic copy of the assessment for future reference. You may be required to produce a copy of your assessment, time stamped.
⦁ You are reminded of Brunel University London regulations on
⦁ Academic Misconduct. In submitting your assessment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
⦁ Late submissions – without a
⦁ coursework extension request or an extenuating circumstances claim having been submitted and accepted, or without a reasonable adjustment having been requested and agreed in the case of students whose Student Support Profile falls under the Longstanding and Chronic Health Conditions Policy – are accepted and marked up to 48 hours after the original submission deadline, but the maximum grade awarded will be capped at 50/C-. Work received more than 48 hours after the original submission deadline will be graded as ‘Non-submission’ (NS/0). Work submitted later than five working days after the submission deadline will normally not be accepted for marking.
⦁ Students are advised to read
⦁ Brunel University London Policy for Coursework Submission for further information. 2. Learning Outcomes Assessed Knowledge (K):
⦁ A knowledge and critical understanding of major qualitative data collection and analysis techniques and their underlying theoretical assumptions, strengths and limitations.
⦁ A sound understanding of the complementary applications of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Cognitive Skills (C):
⦁ A knowledge and critical understanding of major qualitative data collection and analysis techniques and their underlying theoretical assumptions, strengths and limitations.
⦁ An ability to evaluate and critique the conclusions of academic studies based on strengths and weaknesses of their designs. Other skills (S):
⦁ An ability to formulate a well-structured argument based upon qualitative data.
⦁ An ability to present qualitative data in written and verbal form to different audiences.
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