it should be 2 different programs. Please Read the description carefully.

computer science


it should be 2 different programs. Please Read the description carefully. Circularly Doubly-Linked List with a sentinel node Project: Build and process a sorted linked list. Part A. Change the below program to process a circularly doubly-linked list with a sentinel node. Demonstrate that both links work by printing the list both forwards and backwards. Part B. When done, make a copy and change the copy using templates Grading: Part A Build list Print forward Print backwards Delete Search Find Largest Other functions Part B Extra Credit: 1 Point Part A: Write a function that displays the countries whose capital contains a certain letter provided by the user. For instance, if the user enters ‘M’ or ‘m’, the output will be: RU Russia; Moscow; 143420309 DO Dominican Republic; Santo Domingo; 8950034 ES Spain; Madrid; 40341462 NP Nepal; Kathmandu; 27676547 MC Monaco; Monaco; 32409 MX Mexico; Mexico City; 106202903 Please run each program once and save the output at the end of the source file as a comment. Compress the folders for both parts (source and header files, input and output files (if any)), and upload the compressed file:

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