it's a budgetary analysis paper............ The board of directors at your health care organization need some background on the budgetary process, and more specifically the Medicaid budget. Create a 15- to 20-slide impact evaluation presentation that



it's a budgetary analysis paper............ The board of directors at your health care organization need some background on the budgetary process, and more specifically the Medicaid budget. Create a 15- to 20-slide impact evaluation presentation that considers the following issue: Medicaid is an entitlement program based on specific criteria and income levels, which means it is a mandatory program that must be provided in each of the states.

 Traditionally, both the states and the federal government together pay for the program. In times when the U.S. economy suffers challenges, such as high rates of unemployment or when a major crisis like Hurricane Katrina occurs, more individuals and families become eligible for Medicaid. This forces states to make difficult budgetary decisions, like shifting dollars from programs that are not mandatory, such as K-12 school funding, into Medicaid Match dollars. Choose a specific state and analyze the budgetary impact of the Medicaid program in that state. Address the following in your impact evaluation: What process do budgetary policies follow at the federal level and in the selected state? 

What legislative committee is assigned to each part? How do budgetary changes (increases or decreases) affect the community? How does the policy budget process in your selected state impact the healthcare environment? Give specific examples Cite at least five references. Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. paper is attached......and Assignment Description is also given above........ have you gone through the question, paper i have already attached....... Description of what is required is given...

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