Java programming or C++

computer science


In this assignment you are asked to create a tool that checks some basic information about a debit or

credit card. As you know, credit card fraud is epidemic and many people are trying their best to steal

your money. The tool you will be creating is a first step in fighting back.

Part 1: (General Information)

Your tool should be interactive, meaning it has to ask the user to enter their credit/debit id number.

1- The tool accepts only digits.

2- Any other type of data should be rejected and the tool asks the user to enter the correct

information again.

a. The user can try maximum of 3 times.

b. After that, the tool will display a message that a user should try after 30 seconds.

i. The tool will start counting for every second; such as: 30,29,28,27,......,1

c. Then, users will be given the chance again to enter the card number.

3- The process repeats.

Part 2: (Handling Card Information)

After entering the well-formatted card id, the tool should start checking some information about the

card. Please see below:

1- Number of digits in the card, see the following:

a. Max number of digits should be 16, and min should be 13.

b. 14, 15, 16 digits – Diners Club

c. 15 digits – American Express

d. 13, 16 digits – Visa

e. 16 digits – MasterCard

f. 16 digits – Discover

2- Major Industry Identifier (MII), based on the following, if the first digit of the id is:

a. 1 and 2, then industry is Airlines

b. 3 –> Travel

c. 4 and 5 –> Banking and Financial

d. 6 –>Merchandising and Banking/Financial

e. 7 –> Petroleum

f. 8 –> Healthcare, Telecommunications

g. 9 –> National Assignment

3- Bank Identification Number (BIN). The first 6 digits are the Bank Identification Number. Based

on the following:

a. Amex – 34xxxx, 37xxxx

b. Visa – 4xxxxx

c. MasterCard – 51xxxx – 55xxxx

d. Discover – 6011xx, 644xxx, 65xxxx

MCIS6233 TSCF Course Dr. Rami

4- Find the user Account Number, by doing the following:

a. Take away the BIN part and the last digit

b. The remaining digits are a user’s account number

5- Check Digit. Last digit is known as check digit or checksum. It is used to validate the credit card

number using Luhn formula or Mod 10 check, as described below.

6- You are required to implement the check digit test based on the following procedure:

a. Reverse the card id number

b. Multiply the first digit with 1, the second with 2, the third with 1, and keep alternating.

i. If the result of multiplying the number with 2 was >= 10, add the 2 digits of the

result to get a single digit (e.g., 2 x 9 = 18, so 1 + 8 = 9)

c. Add all the digits resulted from the multiplication.

i. If the answer mod 10 equals zero, then the card number is valid. Other than

that, the number is not valid.

7- Based on the above 5 steps, the user should get a report indicating the following:

a. The industry the card belongs to. [check step 2]

b. The issuer/brand of the card [check step 3]

c. The user account number [check step 4]

d. The validity of the card number [check steps 5-6]

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