Jeffy, who is going to complete the higher education in this year needs to create a simple application which accept the name of a person and welcome them with a message along with their name. She wants to read the data using the class "Scanner". I

computer science


Print Username

Jeffy, who is going to complete the higher education in this year needs to create a simple application which accept the name of a person and welcome them with a message along with their name. She wants to read the data using the class "Scanner". Implement this scenario using Java.

Sample Input 1: 

Enter the name:


Sample Output 1:

Welcome Johnson


Sample Input 2: 

Enter the name:

Stain Polson

Sample Output 2:

Welcome Stain Polson

Bill Generation

Tom went to a movie with his friends in a multiplex theatre and during break time he bought pizzas, puffs, and cool drinks. Consider   the following prices : 

·         Rs.100/pizza

·         Rs.20/puffs

·         Rs.10/cooldrink

Generate a bill for What Tom has bought.


Sample Input 1:

Enter the no of pizzas bought


Enter the no of puffs bought


Enter the no of cool drinks bought



Sample Output 1:

Bill Details

No of pizzas


No of puffs


No of cool drinks


Total price



Highest Placement

SRV college wants to recognize the department which has succeeded in getting the maximum number of placements for this academic year. The departments that have participated in the recruitment drive are CSE, ECE, MECH. Help the college find the department getting maximum placements. Check for all the possible output given in the sample snapshot


If any input is negative, the output should be "Input is invalid".

If all department has the equal number of placements, the output should be "None of the department has got the highest placement".


Sample Input 1:

Enter the no of students placed in CSE


Enter the no of students placed in ECE


Enter the no of students placed in MECH


Sample Output 1:

Highest placement


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