John Corvino is destroying America: The traditional definition of marriage is between one man and one women. If you look at nature many animalistic animals form pair bonds for life. In my opinion, if you see something in nature that is the way that God wa

social sciences


John Corvino is destroying America: The traditional definition of marriage is between one man and one women. If you look at nature many animalistic animals form pair bonds for life. In my opinion, if you see something in nature that is the way that God wants it. Besides, I once knew a gay couple who cheated on each other. So, why Should we grant them rights just because gays want to be affirmed by society. Identify if the arguments have the following fallacies and identify if it is a sound or valid argument. fallacies list: 1)Statistics of small numbers fallacy 2)Appeal to pity fallacy 3) Naturalistic Fallacy 4) Ad Hominem 5) Two wrongs do not make a right fallacy 6) Slippery Slope Fallacy Additional Requirements

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