Jorge Alvarez, the manager of the bookstore that your systems analysis team has been working with to build a computerized inventory system, thinks that one of your team members is making a nuisance of himself by asking him extremely detailed questions abo



Jorge Alvarez, the manager of the bookstore that your systems analysis team has been working with to build a computerized inventory system, thinks that one of your team members is making a nuisance of himself by asking him extremely detailed questions about data items used in the system. For example, he asks, “Jorge, how much space, in characters, does the listing of an ISBN take?” a. What are the problems created by going directly to the manager with questions concerning data dictionary entries? Use a paragraph to list the problems you can see with your team member’s approach. b. In a second paragraph, explain to your team member how he can better gather information for the data dictionary. Provide three examples. Please provide two separate paragraphs in your initial post to answer parts (a) and (b) above: In the first paragraph– although the instructions above say the word "list" – prepare the ideas in a paragraph instead. In the second paragraph, make sure you include three examples. As usual, write your posts completely in your own words, but if you use any source material for ideas, clearly identify it. Initial Post - -

 It must be at least 100 words in length Topic 2 Western Animal Rescue is a nonprofit organization that supports the fostering and adoption of animals, such as cats, dogs, and birds. People can register to adopt animals. Others register and add animals for adoption. a.Create the data dictionary structure representing a person registering to adopt an animal. Include name, address (street, city, state of the province, zip or postal code), telephone number, email address, date of birth, current pets (type, breed, age of pet), and references. b.Each person may have multiple pets and must have at least three references. References must include name, address, telephone number, email address, and how they know the person registering to adopt an animal. c.Define the length, the type of data, and the validation criteria for each of the elements. Suggestion for a response to someone: List the data stores that would be required to implement the person registering.

 You can use the table format shown in seminar (which may be easiest), XML, or whatever other data dictionary form you may be used to, as long as you include all the required information above. I expect to see everyone's data dictionary look a little different (none should be identical). Initial Post - - It must be at least 100 words in length As usual, write your posts completely in your own words, but if you use any source material for ideas, clearly identify it.

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