Kudos to Randal Bryant and Dave O’Hallaron of Carnegie Mellon for assignment inspiration and for parts of this handout. Huge thanks to Truman Cranor for writing the command line parser using tools you'll learn in CS143, which you should all take someday because it's amazing. You’ve all been using shells to drive your conversations with UNIX systems since the first day you logged into a myth—and perhaps even before that. It’s high time we uncover the shell’s magic by leveraging the simplesh we built in lecture together and extending it to support process control, job lists, signals, pipelines, and I/O redirection—all while managing the interprocess concurrency problems that make a shell’s implementation a genuinely advanced systems programming project. There’s lots of neat code to write, and with your smarts and my love to guide you, I’m confident you can pull it off.
All coding should be done on a myth cluster machine, as that’s where we’ll be testing all
assign4 submissions. You should clone the master mercurial repository we’ve set up for you by
Doing so will create an assign4 directory within your AFS space, and you can descend into that
assign4 directory and code there. There's a working sanitycheck for this assignment, and your
repo includes a soft link to a fully functional solution. When in doubt about how something
should work, just run my solution (which can be found at ./slink/stsh_soln) to see what it does
and imitate the solution.
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