Label and Shade Answers on Spreadsheet (5 + 5 points) Please shade the answers in the solution spreadsheet for each problem and its part and label it.



MGT 366-W20: Project #3: Aggregate Planning Project

Rules/Instructions for Preparing and Printing Project Report


1.     Due Date of Submission

March 19 for all three sections 8, 10 &11, due at 5 PM.


2.     Use of Master Spreadsheet: 

·       Please use the blank master spreadsheet for each problem posted on Bb in Assignment section. You can delete or add columns; and modify headings if and as necessary.  Use one sheet for each problem part.

·       Don’t use the key as a starting point for your project solutions. The key has errors and if the error creeps into your solution, you will not get any credit for the entire project.


3.     Label and Shade Answers on Spreadsheet (5 + 5 points)

Please shade the answers in the solution spreadsheet for each problem and its part and label it. In addition write these answers at the end of the spreadsheet for each problem part. The same answers will also be written in summary page.


4.     Formulas

Please submit formulas for problem 3 (all three strategies) in addition to #s solution.  No credit for the whole PROJECT if Problem 3 Excel formulas are not submitted.


5.     Penalties

a.      No credit for the whole project if formulas for Problem3 are not submitted as part of the project report.

b.     20% per day tardy penalty

c.      20% e-mail submission penalty, unless prior approval is given.

d.     Unreadable or poorly formatted project report will be returned for resubmission. Penalty for resubmission in next class is 25%.


6.     Structure of the Project Report: (Five Sections in sequence as follows)

a.   Section 1:  Section 1:  should have the following information centralized on Page 1:  Your name, Course name (MGT 366) and & section, project name, and date of submission,

b.   Page 2: should contain summary of all answers.

c.   Page 3 onwards your Excel solutions (#s) for all Problems 1 thru 4,

d.   Page after #s, all formulas as required (Problem 3 in this case). Printed on 2 landscape pages.

e.   Section 5: Extra Credit e-mail print out

f.    back of last page, please write your two digit ID in the format: section #-xx.



7.     Extra Credit: Send me a single e-mail containing all errors and extra credit formulas by March 17 for all sections due by10 PM.

a.    There are six errors worth 2 points each. Send me an e-mail clearly identifying the errors in a tabular form; I will respond if you get points. Then print that e-mail and submit with your project. The information needed for each error you identify is Problem #, part #, description of the error (e.g., inventory in period 5), wrong value and the correct value suggested by you. This is similar table as you used to report errors for FC project.

b.   There are four formulas that carry 3 points each bonus:

                                     i.          Formula for number of actual workers needed in level workforce strategy

                                   ii.          Formula for number of actual workers needed in Chase strategy

                                 iii.          Formula for number of workers hired

                                 iv.          Formula for number of workers laid-off.

                                   v.          Formulas should be written using Excel cell addresses and each cell address should be defined for what it contains.

c.    You can also earn another 10 extra credit points by simply providing a formula that allows Excel to choose the cells where OT will be used and computes the OT in the OT production rate and OT production cells.


8.     Other Clarifications

a.    For problem 2c, OT can be assigned in 15 different pairs of months (why?). In the key, my solution lists total costs for each of 15 pairs. It turns out that the pair that yields the actual lowest cost is OT in months 5 and 6. The key provides solution to this pair. You need to develop a spreadsheet only for one pair of OT months: OT assigned in two periods of the largest sales forecasts; i.e., periods 3 and 4.

b.   For problem 4, just prepare a chart of strategies vs. cost elements and fill in the cells with High, Medium, Low cost.  Explain your entry in one cell of your choice.

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