Lazarus Consulting is a large computer consulting company in New York. Pete Lazarus, the CEO and founder, is well known for his philanthropic efforts.



Directions for Module 3 Excel Assignment


Lazarus Consulting is a large computer consulting company in New York. Pete Lazarus, the CEO and founder, is well known for his philanthropic efforts. Pete knows that most of his employees contribute to nonprofit organizations and wants to reward them for their efforts while encouraging others to contribute to charities. Pete began a program that matches 50 percent of each employee donation. The only stipulations are that the charity must be a nonprofit organization and the company will match only up to $2,000 per year per employee.


Assignment Directions

1.      You will follow the Module 3 Excel Assignment link in Canvas to begin the assignment

a.      Download the Module 3 Excel Start File and modify it using Microsoft Excel according to instructions below

b.      You will upload your completed file to the link provided in the assignment


2.      Excel technical help can be located in several places.

a.      Tech Plugins 2, 3 and 4 from the textbook

b.      Microsoft Office Help and Training:

c.       YouTube videos


3.      This assignment includes several Excel skills you must learn

a.      Creating and naming a new tab

b.      Copying and pasting data from one tab to another

c.       Sorting data

d.      Subtotal function (

e.      3D cell references


4.      Excel Directions (Points)

a.      Put your name in cell A1 of the Answers tab (0.5)

b.      Create a separate tab to calculate each group of answers. (1.0)

                                                              i.      Create the tabs: “Sort”, “Total Donation”, “Average Donation “

c.       Copy the data of the table from the Tracking Donation tab into the Sort tab (0.5)

d.      Sort the table in the “Sort” tab on Organization (2.0)

e.      Copy the sorted data from the Sort tab into the Total Donation tab (2.5)

                                                              i.      In the Total Donation tab Use the Subtotal function to sum Amount at each change in Organization

                                                            ii.      Hide the details

f.        Copy the sorted data from the Sort tab into the Average Donation tab (2.5)

                                                              i.      In the Average Donation tab Use the Subtotal function to find the average amount at each change in Organization

                                                            ii.      Hide the details

g.      Use a 3D cell reference to display the answers from the Total Donation and Average Donation tabs in the Answers tab (1.0)

h.      Save the completed assignment file to your desktop and submit it using the link in the assignment


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