Question 1
List the characteristics of what would be
considered to be a good legal system. Give an example of an actual law which
you would consider fulfils the requirements of ‘good law’.
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
Part B – Case Studies
/ Problem-type questions (30
Instructions: Your answers must be
supported by legal reasoning and case law or legislation in order to gain a
passing grade.
Question 2 (10 marks)
Belinda wants to buy a second-hand car and visits a number
of car dealers before deciding to purchase an as new 1998 Ford Mustang from
American Car Sales. The sales person, Jaxson, tells Belinda that the car was
manufactured in 1998 and had only done 54,000 kms.
Three months later, Belinda has the Mustang serviced with
her local mechanic who was a Mustang enthusiast. He comments on the fact that
the car was in pretty good condition for a 1994 Mustang, though he was
surprised that it had only done 54,000 kms. He would not have been surprised if
it had done 100,000 kms.
Belinda makes further inquiries and discovers that the
Mustang was in fact made in 1994 and she has paid about $5,000 more than the
actual market value of the car. Belinda intends to approach American Car Sales
about this issue.
Does Belinda have any contractual rights against American
Car Sales?
are expected to discuss legal rules learned regarding terms of a contract, in
particular statements and representations, and conditions and warranties.
Do not answer this question
based on Australian Consumer Law principles. No credit will be given if you do
Question 3 (10 marks)
A news story from 2017 reported that Sydney woman was hospitalised after
glass found in takeaway coffee.
According to the report, the woman, 39 year-old Natalie Grabowski, was
hospitalised with internal bleeding after swallowing glass she believes was in
the ice served with her takeaway iced coffee at a popular inner-west cafe.
She had bought the cold brew coffee from BrewCity Redfern on Redfern’s
O’Connell St one Sunday morning earlier this month. On taking her first gulp of
the iced coffee, Natalie felt something scratch her throat. According to her,
it felt “hard and sharp, and just not right.” She then spat out the small
pieces of ice she had not yet swallowed, and rolled them in her fingers trying
to figure out what was wrong. One of the pieces wasn’t melting and cut her
finger. She then realised it was actually a small piece of sharp glass.
Later that morning, she felt suddenly sick. Things didn’t look right
when she went to the toilet. Colleagues called an ambulance which transported
Natalie to the nearest surgical hospital.
After two days of “humiliating” tests and procedures, much of that time
spent in discomfort and pain, Natalie was discharged without having to go under
the knife.
Medical reports said she had suffered rectal bleeding after ingesting
the piece of glass. The distressed coffee lover said while her injuries seem to
have passed, she feels like the incident will affect her forever.
a) What elements must Natalie prove to be able to succeed in an action in
negligence against the coffee shop? Identify and briefly explain each element. (3
b) Apply each element to the facts of this case and determine whether
Natalie will be successful in her negligence claim. (7 marks)
*** Do not answer these questions based on any
principles of Australian Consumer Law. No credit will be given if you do so.
Question 4 (10 marks)
Carlos went to a fish shop and asked for 1 kilo of two fresh prawns for
dinner. The fish shop owner explained that he had no fresh prawns but that he
had some boiled ones, which he sold to Carlos. It turned out that the prawns
weren’t fresh and Carlos, after eating them, became seriously ill.
Does Carlos have any
action open to him against the fish shop under the Australian Consumer Law? You must specify which sections of the ACL
apply to this case. (2 marks)
What does Carlos need to
prove to succeed in claiming against the fish shop based on Australian Consumer
Law? (8
*** Do not answer these questions based on any
principles of Contract Law. No credit will be given if you do so.
Part C – Critical
Thinking (10
Question 5
the directors of a company make a decision, which later on proves not to be a
good decision and causes the company to lose money, will the directors be
liable for failure to exercise their duty of care and diligence?
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