1. General Assessment Guidance
Your summative assessment for International Business is a Coursework submission.
The deadline for submission is 23:59 on 25th April 2017. Submissions made after this time will
not be marked
You are required to submit your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made
via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions
(like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
For coursework, the submission word limit is 2,500 words. You must comply with the word count
guidelines. You may submit LESS than 2,500 words but not more. Tables, diagrams,
bibliography, appendices, annex, and headings are NOT included within word count calculations.
You must specify the total word count on the front page of your report.
For coursework, please use font size 12 for body text and the typeface (font) should be Arial or
Times New Roman with a minimum 1.5 spacing.
For headers and titles, please use font size 14. Your submission must have standard margins and
page numbers.
Please use English (UK) as your language in the submission.
Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your
student identification number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognized in the
marking process.
A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment and you are required to achieve
a minimum of 40% to pass this module.
You are required to use only the Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which
is already published by another author (s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can
use the following link to access this information:
BPP University has a strict policy regarding plagiarism and in proven instances of plagiarism or
collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules
and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GAR and MOPP which are available on
VLE in the Academic registry section.
You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Coversheet. Any submission without
this completed Assignment Coversheet will be considered invalid and not marked.
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 1 |
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16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
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