Research Paper Requirements for
MGMT 411: Logistics Management for Aviation/Aerospace
Introduction Section (5% of the Course Grade)
Once your choices (company and issue) have been approved by the instructor, research
the background information on the company and the significance of the issue. This
information should be the basis of the first section, the Introduction. Provide relevant
background and significance.
For the background, what does the company produce or
what service does it provide, how is the company situated in the industry, and what does
its competition look like? For the issue, provide rationale explaining why the issue is
important. What are the ramifications of ignoring the issue? Provide examples of what
has happened to the company or other companies when the issue was not addressed
adequately. Conclude with a well-written problem statement.
This section of your paper
should be one to two pages long. You must submit it for evaluation by the end of
the Module 5 week. A grade deduction may be applied for a late submission.
The MGMT-UG Research Paper Rubric will be used to evaluate this submission.
However, for the “Answers to Research Questions” criterion, only the connections
among ideas, insight, and original thinking will be evaluated, because an answer to the
research question will not be developed (proposed) at this point.
Literature Review Section (5% of the Course Grade)
Conduct a more thorough investigation of the literature, abstracting key information from
each piece of relevant literature you find. This information is the basis of the second
section, called the Literature Review, in which you synthesize the evidence and claims of
others (experts). Include (cite and reference) a minimum of five quality sources,
preferably peer-reviewed (juried) articles, although it is understood that information on
companies will come from secondary literature (company website, industry trade
magazines, etc.).
If these sources focus on individual companies and how they have
handled the particular issue, consider using the contrast and compare writing strategy by
discussing similarities and differences point by counterpoint.
What strategies have been
employed in addressing the issue of interest? Present the results each company has
had in addressing the issue. Do not make any personal claims (opinions) in this section
of your paper. This section of your paper should be from three to four pages long and
must be submitted for evaluation by the end of the Module 6 week. The instructor
may apply a grade deduction for a late submission.
The MGMT-UG Research Paper Rubric will be used to evaluate this submission.
However, for the “Answers to Research Questions” criterion, only the connections
among ideas, insight, and original thinking will be evaluated, because an answer to the
research question will not be proposed or discussed at this point.
Before you start writing the literature review in earnest, review the research and writing
This document was developed by Dr. Robert Walton for use in MGMT 411.
File Name: MGMT_411-Research-Paper-Requirements
Last updated: 05/30/13
guidance in the Resources folder. Then visit the EAGLET Writing Lab [ERNIE login is
required] where you will find guidance on everything from grammar basics to scholarly
writing. If you have difficulty or experience a writing block, post your issues and
questions to the Research Paper Forum so your peers and instructor can provide some
helpful suggestions. A quality deliverable depends on incrementally developing,
proofreading, and revising your work; so, don't delay asking for help as soon as it is
needed! Keep in mind that the instructor reserves the right to apply a grade deduction for
any late submissions.
Discussion Section
The third section is the Discussion. This is where you tie the information presented in
your review to your analysis of the issue as it relates to your chosen company.
How is the company applying a logistics strategy to handle the issue of interest? Discuss
the results the company has had in addressing the issue with the logistics strategy. This
section is where you get to present your claims and support them with evidence from the
literature. It is important to avoid unsubstantiated claims! Logic and flow are also
important. A deductive writing strategy for this section is preferred, because it aids
reader comprehension. (See the Scholarly Writing Corner in EAGLET Organization in
ERNIE for an explanation of deductive writing and methods that aid writing continuity
and clarity.) This section should be between two to three pages long.
Conclusions and Recommendations Section
The last section in the body of the paper is the Conclusions and Recommendations.
Begin with a clear and concise summary in which you restate the significance of the
issue and describe the chief findings from your literature review and your analysis of the
company. Then discuss the success, or failure, of the logistics strategy employed by the
company to address the issue.
What have you concluded about the suitability of the
logistics strategy to handle the issue or the ability of the company to apply the strategy
correctly? What recommendations do you have for improving the implementation of the
strategy or would you recommend an entirely different strategy based on your findings?
This is where you demonstrate your insight and skill as a logistics manager. This section
should be one to two pages long.
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