For each Problem below:
look at the data and write python code that takes data from the online source and manipulates them in a way that solves the problem or answers the question. Use only libraries and skills that you learned during this course so far (Which are Code Flow: Variables, Conditionals, Functions 1, Testing, Loops: Lists & Dictionaries, Loops, Iterators, Functions 2) (do not use: Numpy/Panda/ML/visualisation etc)
Write up a MINI-REPORT for each problem as 3 short paragraphs
Each mini-report (150-200 words long) will include 3 short paragraphs, each 2-3 sentences long. This is super short, so that you write down to the point and just what's important.
Short Paragraph 1 – Problem: What problem you are solving and how you will solve it with data.
Short Paragraph 2 – Analysis & Results: What analysis you prefromed in your python code and what were the results
Short Paragraph 3 – Solution: What is the solution to the problem, and how your analysis helped you to solve it.
– Problem 1: A convention of Scottish Star Wars movie fans is preparing for a meeting and need some basic information to be printed about the movies: Take the first 10 results of searching for a movie "star wars" and print information about each movie (ratings, actors, plots, etc). Group movies into 3 groups by "imdb rating": mediocre (below 7), good (7-8), amazing (8 and over). What is the average length of a movie in each group? Are longer movies higher rated? Feel free to dd any more small functionalities that you'd like.
– Problem 2: A convention of Scottish Star Wars movie fans is preparing for a bit outdoors cosplay meeting and are considering three locations: Glasgow, Edinburgh and Falkirk. They would like to know what is the weather like right now in these locations. Print on the screen the weather information about these locations right now in a way that makes it easy to compare and make a decision where the costume party should happen. Can your code suggest the location (eg. one which is warmest). If the event cannot happen now, which location has the best weather tomorrow or on another day?
Probem 1 API
your_api_key = "dd14dc5f"
page = 1
query = "star wars"
year = ""
url = f"{
Problem 2 API
api key "
Search forecast for a location:
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