Macro Term Project 2- Monetary Policy discussion of 2014 Central Bank Monetary Policy of a GCC country.( Your choice: Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman) You are free to choose the resources, the use of official central bank reports (availabl



Macro Term Project 2- Monetary Policy discussion of 2014 Central Bank Monetary Policy of a GCC country.( Your choice: Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman) You are free to choose the resources, the use of official central bank reports (available from each country’s central bank website) are recommended. List the resources you use at the end of the project (not counted in 3 page limit for the project) Use times news roman font, size 11, Space 1,5 . Each one of you will submit a unique discussion, not a copy/paste from internet or the same as your classmate, this is not a group project. Be sure to include following in your discussion; Which Global Macroeconomic Indicators are mentioned and taken into account before conducting the monetary policy? Which National Macroeconomic Indicators are mentioned and taken into account before conducting the monetary policy? What kind of Monetary Tools are mentioned and used to conduct the Monetary Policy?

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