Make a character from GLUT primitives. You can also use cylinder from glu if you need it. Your character will necessarily be somewhat crude, but with some effort you can create a reasonably nice model.

computer science


Project 3: “Third Dimension” 

Make a character from GLUT primitives. You can also use cylinder from glu if you need it. Your character will necessarily be somewhat crude, but with some effort you can create a reasonably nice model. (Think of the snowmen from the example programs I showed you previously.) 

Your character should have some relationship to the “8-bit” character from previous projects. This could be your previous character’s enemy, their friend, something that they need to collect, the goal object for the game, a 3D version of the character itself, etc. The relationship will be important, as your overall project will grow along those lines. If the new character is an “enemy”, then you’ll want to think about how things will be animated when one of the two is “destroyed”. We’ll be working on such animations in the next project.

You will be building on the lab that allows us to move the camera in 3D. You will place your two characters in this scene. 


1) The camera must be limited so that it cannot move above or below the ground surface. 

2) Your two characters must appear in this environment, somewhere above the “ground”, including touching the ground surface. 

3) The characters must be sized so that they take up a relatively equal amount of space in the scene. 

4) Both characters must be placed so that both are at least partially visible when the program begins. 

5) Your “8-bit” character must continue to display its animation. This may involve some modification of your previous code to alter how the display is changed. 

6) Keep the controls from the camera lab, that is “WASD” and the arrow keys control the motion of the camera. 

7) Properly document your code.

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