Make a new project named LinkedListPartsDatabase AND DO NOT HAVE IT CREATE YOUR MAIN FILE FOR YOU!!!! You should have NO FILES YET

computer science


Steps for starting the out Linked List project: 

1. Make a new project named LinkedListPartsDatabase AND DO NOT HAVE IT CREATE YOUR MAIN FILE FOR YOU!!!! You should have NO FILES YET

2. For our linked list, we are going to download the 3 files: 

3. Save the files in the folder for your project

4. Right click on your header files folder and select “Add Existing Item”. Click on readline.h and click “Select”

5. Next select your Source Files folder, click add existing, and add the two c files one at a time. 

6. Open your h file. We will not be adding to this file. It contains all of the function declarations and our struct. 

7. Open your main file. All you should see is the includes, some comments, and your main function. Read over the comments so you can see what will be expected of the main function. 

a. First, we need to add the looping input and the list of codes for the user to enter. 

b. We scan in the code and store it in the variable code. Add the following

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