Master’s Thesis should be prepared in one copy or in number of copies corresponding to the number of authors, in double-sided version, in soft flat binding which firmly holds pages together, with clear and transparent front cover, as well as in electronic



The total number of pages has to be 60 pages.

  • Master’s Thesis should be prepared in one copy or in number of copies corresponding to the number of authors, in double-sided version, in soft flat binding which firmly holds pages together, with clear and transparent front cover, as well as in electronic version in PDF format.
    Attention: Comb-binding is not acceptable
    Attention: Please do not submit your thesis on a CD
  • NEW FIRST PAGE The first page of the thesis is the title page prepared according to the  template. (version to be edited). - valid to September 30th, 2020.
  • The second page should be clear.
  • NEW STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR/AUTHORS The last page of the thesis is the statement of the author (not generated from APD system). In case of students’ group work on the thesis, a detailed list should be put on the second page (back of the title page) in the following way: each authors’ name and surname along with numbers of chapters. Only one person can be an author of the chapter - it's not generated from APD.
  • If you want to have the minor on your diploma, please make sure you've written it down on the first page of your Master's thesis. 
  • The student should send the electronic version of the thesis/thesis’ chapters to the Local Archive of Diploma Theses (APD) according to the Users Manual of APD.

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