Mathematics word problems can be particularly difficult, especially for primary-grade children.



Mathematics word problems can be particularly difficult, especially for primary-grade children. A recent study investigated a combination of techniques for teaching students to master these problems (Fuchs, Fuchs, Craddock, Hollenbeck, Hamlett, & Schatschneider, 2008). The study investigated the effectiveness of small-group tutoring and the effectiveness of a classroom instruction technique known as “hot math.” The hot math program teaches students to recognize types or categories of problems so they can generalize skills from one problem to another. The following data are similar to the results obtained in the study. The dependent variable is a math test score for each student after 16 weeks in the study.

Check your data entry carefully! It is easy to lose almost all the points on this homework assignment if you mistype a number – as many subsequent statistics and analyses will be incorrect!


1) Paste the necessary output for this analysis (both descriptive and inferential) from jamovi. Provide tables with APA-style titles.


2) Paste an appropriate graph from jamovi. Provide your graph with an APA-style header. Hint: this graph should display all possible combinations of groups.


Non-APA portion

3) What are the null hypotheses for this study? What are your decisions about each? What are your rationales for those decisions?


APA portion

4) Write an APA style report of your findings. Your report should include each of the following, with no errors of APA style or formatting. Round p-values to three decimal places; all other values to two.

·         a statement about the significance (or not) of each omnibus test statistic

·         the value of each omnibus test statistic with their degrees of freedom

·         the precise p-value as reported by jamovi for each omnibus test statistic

o   e.g. not p < .05 but p = .015

o   unless jamovi reports p = .000, in which case you must use p < .001

·         a measure of effect size (partial eta-squared) for each omnibus test

·         for each main effect, either a) a statement which makes clear the direction of any significant differences or b) a statement that a given difference is not significant

·         for the interaction effect, either a) a statement which describes the nature of a significant interaction or b) a statement that describes what it means that there is no significant interaction

·         In your reporting, you should include descriptive statistics, either in-text (being careful to use marginal means as appropriate) or as an in-text reference to the table of descriptive statistics table 

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