Medicinal plants are those plants which contain substances used for the treatment or prevention of diseases or infections and other health disorders in human body.




Medicinal plants are those plants which contain substances used for the treatment or prevention of diseases or infections and other health disorders in human body. The medicinal value of medicinal plants is due to substances found in the plant tissues that produce a definite physiological action on the human body. The medicinal plants are extracted from trees and shrubs. The common practice is the use of the bark, roots and sometimes both. The less commonly used in this regard are the leaves while flowers or fruits including seeds are rarely used. The herbaceous and succulent plants are uprooted and used holistically. The most important of these substances are the alkaloid, fixed oil, essential oil, tannins, resins, etc. The potential of such chemicals are less applied when it comes for the protection of plants from pathogens viz. fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes. Certain plants possess various fungicidal and bactericidal properties that are used to cure various fungi and bacterial diseases in humans. Their potential is less harnessed in protection of plants from fungal and bacteriological pathogens. 

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