Methodology and methods Linking paradigm and methodology and choosing an appropriate methodology lie at the heart of research. Whether using a case-study, action research, research that relies upon grounded theory, or econometrics, the research design should ensure that the chosen methodological framework meets the objectives of the research, and helps the researcher answer the research questions. For this week's Key Concept Exercise you will evaluate the characteristics of the methodologies used in the two papers from your field and consider whether those align to your own research plans. To prepare for this Key work: Read the Required Learning Resources for. (Please find below references and attached file) Revisit the two papers from your degree field in the Required Learning Resources and consider the paradigms and methodologies used To complete this work: In approximately 500 words, present the paradigms and methodologies used in the TWO articles In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the methodologies implemented in these studies? Which of these could (or could not) be used for your research and why (please refer to assignment submitted yesterday by you (subject is online…)? What could be your feasibility concerns in any case? When writing your responses you should synthesize the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action. (Give an real example to support your thoughts)
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