Microsoft Word - Write an Acto 10-30-13.docx Write an Acto (Creative Journal) From the Preface to Luis Valdez’s Early Works



Microsoft Word - Write an Acto 10-30-13.docx Write an Acto (Creative Journal) From the Preface to Luis Valdez’s Early Works El Teatro Campesino is part of that explosion. It is taking from the old and creating the new. It is putting all the joys, sorrows, history and culture of La Raza on stage to be examined, to be remade, to pass on to others and to show others that there are answers, that things don’t have to be this way. And it does it in its own style, in its own form, the Acto. This is the most simple way to say come see what you’re doing to me, come see what I have to offer. Actos deal with almost every aspect of Chicano life and death. They are created all over the Southwest by Chicanos with an urgency to be heard.” Answer 1-4 in sentence/paragraph form before moving on to 5. Choose an issue you’d like to address (i.e. anti-drug) Identify your audience Create clearly recognizable characters that represent some aspect of your chosen political issue (i.e. Patroncito, the Farmworker, and El Coyote). The characters should be deliberately symbolic. What is your message? Write your Acto

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