Multicultural Management assignment help



To prepare for this Assignment, identify a research topic for your Final Paper. Choose from any of the following:

 Any topic that concerns multicultural management

The topic of your own Presentation (that deals with multicultural management)

A topic from any of the readings from Weeks 2, 4, or 6 (listed below under references) or you may chose your own

Submit an 8- to 12-page evaluation (excluding title page and References section) of your research on multicultural management. In your evaluation, be sure to address the following:

Analysis of the Field

What is your analysis of the state of the field of multicultural management? Describe important issues or current dilemmas in the field.

Research Topic

State and provide background information for your research topic.

What are the current theories and areas of debate for your topic?

Are there particular industries or technologies that will be impacted by your topic? If this impact is positive, how can it be maximized, and if negative, how can this impact be mitigated?

Future Directions

As a global change agent, consider the future directions of multicultural management to address the following:

Indicate specific areas of further research in this topic that would prove beneficial.

What potential impact might the topic that you have chosen have on the overall state of the field and the future directions of multicultural management research in the next 3–5 years?

What processes and strategies would you recommend that leaders in organizations employ to institute effective multicultural programs?

Be sure to review the Final Paper Guidelines and the Assignment Rubric. Your paper should include the following headings: Analysis of the Field, Research Topic, and Future Directions. Please Note: For each page of your paper, you must include a minimum of two APA-formatted scholarly citations.  NO Plagiarism


Alonso, A., & Wang, M. (2014). International practice forum. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 51(4), 103–106.

American Society for Quality (ASQ). (2015). Preparing for the future. Journal for Quality and Participation, 38(3), 30–33.

Celebrating teamwork. (2014). Journal for Quality and Participation, 37(3), 4–7.

Levitt, S. R. (2013). Cultural factors affecting international teamwork dynamics and effectiveness. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management: Annual Review, 13,9–23.

Morgan, L., Paucar-Caceres, A., & Wright, G. (2014). Leading effective global virtual teams: The consequences of methods of communication. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27(6), 607–624. doi:10.1007/s11213-014-9315-2

Nelson, B. (2014). The data on diversity. Communications of the ACM, 57(11), 86–95. doi:10.1145/2597886

Boughzala, I., & De Vreede, G.J. (2015). Evaluating team collaboration quality: The development and field application of a collaboration maturity model. Journal of Management Information Systems, 32(3), 129–157. doi:10.1080/07421222.2015.1095042

Coulson-Thomas, C. (2014). Changing behaviours without changing corporate cultures. Management Services, 58(1), 42–47.

Ketter, P. (2015). Are You REDI? Public Manager, 44(2), 61–64.

Long, J., Zang, Z., & Chen, C. (2014). The benefits of repeated collaboration for team performance in a Chinese context. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 42(9), 1507–1519. doi:10.2224/sbp.2014.42.9.1507

Stapel, K., & Schneider, K. (2012). Managing knowledge on communication and information flow in global software projects. Expert Systems, 31(3), 234–252. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0394.2012.00649.x

Windeler, J., Maruping, L. M., Robert, L. P., & Riemenschneider, C. K. (2015). E-profiles, conflict, and shared understanding in distributed teams. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 16(7), 608–645.

Zaldivar, E. J. (2014). Authenticity and accountability: Key to an appreciative stance to adaptable leadership. AI Practitioner, 16(1), 9–19. doi:10.12781/978-1-907549-18-2-2

Gomarasca, P. (2013). Multiculturalism or hybridisation? Cultural mixing and politics. Diversities, 15(2), 67–80.

Grant, P. R., & Robertson, D. W. (2014). Predicting immigrants’ attitudes toward multiculturalism using a measure of its perceived benefits. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36(3), 209–220. doi:10.1080/01973533.2014.890622

Gražulis, V., & Markuckienė, E. (2014). Current issues of the development of employee intercultural competency in a work environment (a case-study of small municipalities of Lithuania). Socialiniai Tyrimai, 2014(3), 78–89.

Jones, H. (2014). “The best borough in the country for cohesion!”: Managing place and multiculture in local government. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(4), 605–620. doi:10.1080/01419870.2013.808758

Keddie, A. (2012). Australian multicultural policy: Social cohesion through a political conception of autonomy. Journal of Sociology, 50(4), 408–421. doi:10:1177/1440783312462166

Klocek, P., Dayib, H., Mukherjee, R., & Crespo, E. (2014). Supplier diversity: From “checking the box” to developing a trusted and valued partner. Journal: American Water Works Association, 106(9), 30–36. doi:10.5942/jawwa.2014.106.0138

Onghena, Y. (2013). Reflections from the world of policy-related research: Think tanks and cultural diversity—between theory and practice. Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture, 4(2), 187–200. doi:10.1386/cjmc.4.2.187_7

Reeve, I. (2014). Multicultural health care? Cultural accommodation in non-devoted policy sectors. Canadian Public Administration, 57(4), 609–622. doi:10.1111/capa.12092

Reidel, L. (2015). Beyond a state-centric perspective on norm change: A multilevel governance analysis of the retreat from multiculturalism. Global Governance, 21(2), 317–336.

Taylor-Gooby, P., & Waite, E. (2014). Toward a more pragmatic multiculturalism? How the U.K. policy community sees the future of ethnic diversity policies. Governance, 27(2), 267–289. doi:10.1111/gove.12030

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