new strategies that you believe the government can implement to eliminate or mitigate insider trading



Give your opinion as to whether or not additional laws and harsher penalties on financial fraud can eliminate or mitigate financial fraud. Support the rationale. Suggest three (3) new strategies that you believe the government can implement to eliminate or mitigate insider trading. Provide a rationale to support the suggestion. In this case study, leaked merger and acquisition information was used to enable the fraud. Determine the key internal controls needed over the communication of confidential information to outside parties, and analyze the manner in which these controls act as a deterrent to fraudulent activities. 

Pretend you are Donna Murdoch in this case study and propose an alternative plan to act on the leaked information. Next, recommend one (1) strategy to communicate the alternative plan and determine whom the plan should be communicated with. Justify the response. In this case study, E&Y was providing a consulting service to The Blackstone Group related to its planned acquisition of Freescale Semiconductor. Compare and contrast the different auditor’s professional responsibilities between consulting engagements and audit engagements. Take a position on whether more legislative and/or regulatory agency oversight will increase or decrease corporate fraud. Provide a rationale to support the position.

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