Numerical methods Due: 26 November 2020 In this coursework you will implement given numerical algorithms.



Coursework 1: MATH 3018/6141 - Numerical methods Due: 26 November 2020 In this coursework you will implement given numerical algorithms. The assessment will be based on 

• correct implementation of the algorithms (tasks 1 and 4) – 5 marks 

• showing evidence of correct local behaviour (tasks 2, 3, 5) – 3 marks 

• correct use of the algorithms in global tests (tasks 6–10) – 3 marks 

• figures to illustrate the tests (tasks 3, 5–10) – 2 marks 

• documentation of code (tasks 1 and 4) – 5 marks 

• unit testing, robustness and error checking of code (tasks 1 and 4) – 2 marks. The deadline is noon, Thursday 26 November 2020 (week 8). For late submissions there is a penalty of 10% of the total marks for the assignment per day after the assignment is due, for up to 5 days. No marks will be obtained for submissions that are later than 5 days. Your work must be submitted electronically via Blackboard. Only the Python files needed to produce the output specified in the tasks below is required.

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