o provide the student with an opportunity to better understand how their own (the student’s) situated histories, ideologies, motivations and approaches to Indigenous research is shaped by their life-experiences. This is a self-reflective paper and should



PROPOSE: To provide the student with an opportunity to better understand how their own (the student’s) situated histories, ideologies, motivations and approaches to Indigenous research is shaped by their life-experiences. This is a self-reflective paper and should be written in the 1st person.


The student should discuss the colonial context and how decolonization/resurgence can be applied to the research process. Additionally, the student should discuss how current western methodologies has influenced your understanding and approach to research with Indigenous people.


The paper should be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced, and 4-5 pages in length; it is due on January 22, 2020 at 12 noon through TURNITIN (late papers will be penalized with a 10% grade reduction immediately starting at 12 noon on January 22, and for each day that passes after the due date).


Self-Location: Please reflect on the following questions as a guide in writing this paper:

1.    Why is it important that I understand how Indigenous research should be conducted?

2.    How has my history and personal experiences shaped my perspective of Indigenous people’s health?

3.    How has my gender, culture and professional background influence my positioning in relation to my education and future as a researcher?

4.    What are the alternative roles I might be called upon to play while interacting with others in this class and throughout my education and how might this influence how I conduct research?

5.    What might be the barriers that my personal history and professional competence can create in relationship to doing Indigenous research?

6.    What is my understanding of how research has been conducted with Indigenous people, and how has this process been received by Indigenous people?

7.    How have I interacted with Indigenous people, and how has this interaction effected this relationship?

8.    What can I learn from reflecting on my own position – socially and personally?






Student provides a clear and succinct personal background.


Demonstrates an understanding on why Indigenous research needs to consider situated knowledge, subjective understanding and personal awareness.



Student provides some personal background.


Although mentioned, unclear understanding of why Indigenous research needs to consider situated knowledge, subjective understanding and personal awareness in order to be ethical and effective


Lacks any authentic reference to personal values, goals and how this influences the research process.


Minimal or no demonstrated understanding of how personal biases influences the research process.





Explores your personal history and worldviews and is able to relate these experiences to the process of decolonization.


Critically examines how personal experiences can be applied to the research process.


Provides meaningful examples.



Provides some understanding of how personal experiences can be applied to the research process.


Examples do not provide any personal understanding of this issue.


Little or no demonstrated understanding of colonization process and Indigenous research has compromised the health Indigenous people.

Research Process




Provides a personal understanding of how western research methods influences the current health issues experienced by Indigenous people. Provides examples.


Explains how academia and research has promoted/ prevented the health of Indigenous people in Canada.

Makes reference but does not explain how Canadian health policy influences the current issues experienced by Indigenous people.  Examples are irrelevant to objective.


Lacks some understanding of how health policy and research has promoted/ prevented the health of Indigenous people in Canada.

Little or no demonstrated understanding of how Canadian health policy influences the current issues experienced by Indigenous people.  Personal examples are absent.


APA Format and Referencing




No mistakes

Excellent grammar and sentence structure


Appropriate use of headings


Minimum of 5 Academic references


More than 2 mistakes/errors


Minimal errors in sentence structure and grammar.


Poorly constructed references.

More than 5 mistakes/errors


Grammar poor, difficult to understand


Evidence the student used an online referencing tool.


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