OBJECTIVE For this assignment you will be creating a logo using Adobe Illustrator.



Assignment 3: Creating a Logo Due Date: Friday, December 6 Value: 20% of final grade


OBJECTIVE For this assignment you will be creating a logo using Adobe Illustrator. The logo should be a personal graphic to be used on your website or blog in future classes. You are encouraged to consider logo themes that describe you and will work well in different environments. The assignment is designed to: • Test your understating of vector drawing concepts • Use tools and commands to create and edit basic shapes • Draw and edit curved and straight lines • Arrange content • Create, edit, and paint with colors


REQUIREMENTS • Must include minimum one shape. • Must include minimum two colors • Must include text. This may be as simple as your initials or as extensive as a tag line. • A sketch of an idea must be submitted to the teacher in class (on paper) on November 25


INSTRUCTIONS • Work must be submitted to blackboard by the deadline – late submissions will not be accepted. • Art board must be set at 1000 by 1000 pixels. • Color should be set to RBG. • File format must be one .ai file and one jpg file. • If you use non-standard text, the text file must be submitted along with the logo file. • Final name must be saved as: Logo – first name_last name.


GRADING AND ACADEMIC POLICIES The final product will be graded based on: • Following the instructions and requirements (15%) • The quality of the work (60%) • Creativity (25%)



I made the logo already here it is: I would like this done on Illustrator exactly how I have it and how it is laid out in my directions below following every step of the rubric right here.

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