Online Management Training, LLC Online Management Training, LLC sells online management training books and streaming online videos to customers who want to improve their management skills.



MISM 3115 Assignment 1: Online Management Training, LLC Online Management Training, LLC sells online management training books and streaming online videos to customers who want to improve their management skills. The company promotes its two products in two ways: through direct email and through web-based banner ads. The data file includes transactions for a single day. Your manager has asked for an analysis of the data and recommendations based on the results. The fields in the transaction list include Customer ID, Region of Purchase, Payment Method, Source of Contact (either email or web-based banner ad), Amount of Purchase, Product Purchased (either online book or video) and the Time of Day (24- hr format). Download the data file OMTTransactions.xlxs and follow the instructions below to complete the analysis and prepare a recommendation for the company.

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