Open the file SC_PPT16_3a_FirstLastName_1.pptx, available for download from the SAM website .

computer science



·               Open the file SC_PPT16_3a_FirstLastName_1.pptx, available for download from the SAM website.

·               Save the file as SC_PPT16_3a_FirstLastName_2.pptx by changing the “1” to a “2”.

o      If you do not see the .pptx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

·               To complete this Project, you will also need to download and save the following support files from the SAM website:

o      Support_SC_PPT16_3a_Star.m4a

o      Support_SC_PPT16_3a_Telescope.mp4

·               With the file SC_PPT16_3a_FirstLastName_2.pptx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the presenter notes on Slide 1.

o      If the presenter notes do not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.



1.        Under the Stars is a retail store that sells equipment for activities such as camping, hiking, and stargazing. You are developing a presentation for Under the Stars customers who want to learn to stargaze. To coordinate the colors in the presentation with the photos, change the theme colors to Violet.

2.        On Slide 1 (“VIEWING THE NIGHT SKY”), use Smart Guides to position the subtitle placeholder above the title placeholder as shown in Figure 1 on the next page.


Figure 1: Position for Placeholders

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