I need help with the following project. It's group project and my group has not participated to get this completed. I have created the PowerPoint template and attached. Please help and use the presentation template.
Scenario 2
The Deliverable
Open View, LLC installs window treatments for homes and offices. They have a large mobile workforce that spends most of the time out in the field with customers. The salespeople follow up on customer leads, visit the homes or offices, take the orders and measurements, order the window treatments, accept payments from customers, and maintain liaison with the customer until the project is completed. The installers are also mobile, obtaining their work assignments on a daily basis, and reporting progress, problems, and completion. Much of this is currently done by telephone, but Open View wants to implement a wireless network to connect the sales force to the corporate customer, materials, ordering, and finance databases. They want to provide the same wireless access for the sales and installation personnel when they are in the office. Your team will list and define the requirements, create the project steps that need to be completed, identify the technology that needs to be incorporated, identify issues and security risks, and explain how testing will be done to ensure that requirements are met and the wireless network is secure.
Your team will develop an MS PowerPoint presentation that
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