Our group is conducting a study for our class, Statistics of Sociology 3307. For our final project, we are examining how aware first-generation students are of resources at the Cal Poly Pomona.



Group 6 Component 3

Our group is conducting a study for our class, Statistics of Sociology 3307. For our final project, we are examining how aware first-generation students are of resources at the Cal Poly Pomona. Because you are a first-generation student, we are inviting you to participate in this research study by completing the survey. Specifically, those who meet the exact criteria can participate in this study.

The duration to complete the questionnaire will be approximately 5-10 minutes. There is no reward for responding; in addition, there is no conceivable risk in taking this survey since, all the information is confidential. Please do not include your name in the survey, to ensure that your personal information remains private. Copies of the project will be sent to my Sociology 3307 class instructor Dr. Jose Luis Collazo Jr.

Lastly, we appreciate your time and effort that you are taking in this survey. Your support in this survey means a lot for our educational goals. The data gathered will afford useful information towards the awareness of resources at school for first-generation college students.

For this study, only first-generation who are currently at Cal Poly Pomona can complete the survey.


Research question

How aware are first generation students about resources in Cal Poly Pomona?


Non-male first generation students are more likely to be aware of campus resources than male first generation students.

Higher economic status first generation students are more likely to be aware of campus resources than lower economic status students 


1.         Are you a first-generation student?

  • Yes
  • No


2.      What is your age?

  • 18 – 24 years old
  • 25 – 31 years old
  • 32 – 38 years old
  • 39 -44 years old
  • 45 or older


3. What is your gender?

  • Female
  • Male
  • Other______(please specify)


4. Please specify your ethnicity

  • White or European
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Black or African American
  • Native American or American Indian
  • Prefer not to answer


5. Were there any “gaps” in time between completing high school and attending college/university?

  • Yes
  • No
  • If yes, please explain:


6. How much did you communicate with an academic advisor (or school counselor) PRIOR to attending college, to prepare or support you with the process of pursuing higher education?

  • None
  • Very Little (1 visits)
  • Some (2 to 4 visits)
  • A Considerable Amount (5 to 7 visits)
  • A Lot (8+ visits)


7. Which of the following socio-economic status designation would best fit your family when you were a child (middle to high school age)?

a.                    Very Low Income

  •  Low Income
  •  Lower-Middle
  •  Middle
  • Upper Middle
  • Upper


8. As a first generation student, from a scale 1 to 5, how aware are you of resources available on campus (i.e., Career Center, tutoring, etc.)

·         Not very aware

·         Somewhat aware

·         Aware

·         Very Aware


9. What resources at CPP do you use?

·         Tutoring

·         Cesar Chavez center

·         Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) (if applicable)

Related Questions in statistics category

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