Part I. A Case Study Task You are asked to work on a new project with a group of co-workers; everyone in the group has already been notified about being assigned to this group and the project. Effective group communication is necessary for this project. Y



Part I. A Case Study Task You are asked to work on a new project with a group of co-workers; everyone in the group has already been notified about being assigned to this group and the project. Effective group communication is necessary for this project. You know who these people are, but you have not had much contact with them since they all work in different branches of the company, in different cities. Your supervisor has indicated: You have the group communication role of initiator. Most of the work can be done by emailing each other in order to coordinate tasks and provide and seek information. The group can also use the company’s teleconference phone system for monthly updates when synchronous communication is needed.

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