Pearson’s linear correlation, covariance, spearman’s rank correlation of the % of workers and the median household income



• Data: American Community Survey (2017), U.S.

Census Bureau

• Variables

• Regions: south or other

• State

• Commute car: % of workers commuting by car

• Commute pub: % of workers commuting by public transportation

• Commute walk: % of workers commuting by walking

• Median household income: Statewide median household income in U.S. dollars

• Write a report on the following:

1. Descriptive statistics of each variable;

2. Graphical presentations of each variable;

3. Pearson’s linear correlation, covariance, spearman’s rank correlation of the % of workers and the median household income;

4. T‐test of the % of workers commuting by car between southern and other regions;

5. T‐test of the median household income between southern and other regions;

6. Between the mean and the median of annual household income, which one would be better to realistically represent the economic status of an area?

• The data is not sampled, the data is the summary of all states in the U.S. 

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