PHILOSOPHY Paper. I need and extremely good writer who does not plagiarized Use John Mill Harm Principle and Utilitarianism. Instruction bellow: Philosophy of Law I: Term Paper



PHILOSOPHY Paper. I need and extremely good writer who does not plagiarized Use John Mill Harm Principle and Utilitarianism. Instruction bellow: Philosophy of Law I: Term Paper Pick one of the anthologized articles or cases read and discussed in class from your text (not David Adams’ introductory sections, though these can be used for source material) and write a paper in which you: Lay out the author’s main point(s) and supporting arguments and critically evaluate those arguments in order to arrive at a defendable conclusion. In the process, make sure that you: Advance a clear thesis, use a variety of source material to both describe and evaluate, and anticipate and respond to objections to your view. Particulars: Your essay should be typed (12 pt. font), double-spaced (no extra spaces between paragraphs), and have 1 inch margins on all sides. It should be roughly 10-12 pages in length and paginated. No cover page please; your name can be added (even hand-written) at the upper right hand corner of the first page (please don’t waste space with unnecessary identifying information). In addition to the usual expectations regarding good academic work (e.g., clear and proper citations, organization, format, punctuation, and grammar), you should write a paper that makes an interesting (not shallow or superficial) argument. 

 Writing in first-person is not only acceptable in Philosophy, but it can be a useful way of keeping clear who is saying what at each point. Be very careful to cite all sources properly. This means citing not only when you quote directly but when you paraphrase or summarize as well. You must cite whenever you are borrowing ideas from someone else (unless these ideas are so generally known that there is no purpose in giving credit to anyone specifically)—even class notes and classmates. The citation style you choose does not matter as much as does maintaining consistency throughout the paper. Make sure you provide page numbers where possible. MLA, APA, or Chicago are the preferred methods of citation. Failure to cite sources is an Honors violation whether done intentionally or not. Grades will be based on overall essay quality, thoughtfulness and care of both exposition and argumentation, clarity and precision, and effective use, quality, and proper citation of texts and class notes. Electronic copies will not be accepted. Papers (properly stapled) are due at the beginning of our scheduled exam period unless otherwise noted.

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