Pick a Stalinist or Nazi work of art that you find particularly interesting, and analyze it in detail. If possible, try to find information about the artist on the internet. Consider both content and form, i.e., look both at what is represented and how it



Pick a Stalinist or Nazi work of art that you find particularly interesting, and analyze it in detail. If possible, try to find information about the artist on the internet. Consider both content and form, i.e., look both at what is represented and how it is represented. Hubert Lanzinger: Hitler Conrad Hommel: The Führer and Commander in Chief Richard Klein: The Third Reich Ivo Saliger: The Judgment of Paris Adolf Ziegler: Allegory of Water and Earth Oskar Martin-Amorbach: The Sower Oskar Martin-Amorbach: Peasant Venus Adolf Wissel: Kahlenberg Peasant Family Arno Breker: The Party, The Wehrmacht Arno Breker: Hitler Joseph Thorak: Comrades

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