Platformer You will create a simple platformer game! Your game will feature a character that can move and jump. Your game will also have some sort of hazard as well as a moving platform.

computer science


Project 2: Platformer You will create a simple platformer game! Your game will feature a character that can move and jump. Your game will also have some sort of hazard as well as a moving platform. All of this will take place across 3 levels of your own design. You are welcome to use art assets that you can find however, all of the code must be your own!

- Besides falling in a pit there should be another kind of hazard (spikes, or whatever you like). - Have at least 1 sound effect as well at least 1 looping background music. - 3 Lives. If all lives run out show Game Over Scene. If player gets to end show “You Win” Scene

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