Project Description: The goal of this project is to apply all the concepts that have been shown in class into one project. For this project you will create a program that is designed to teach about a topic in biomedical engineering. The information can be presented as a quiz, a book, or a game.
Part 1:
1. Decided on the main subject that you are going to provided information on (i.e. computational biology, biomaterials, neural engineering, genome and protein engineering)
2. Decide on how the information will be presented (i.e. as a game, quiz, or book with chapters)
3. Write a description of the program that includes the main subject and how the information will be presented and save it as description.doc
4. In MATLAB, create the main menu for your program (this can be changed later) and save it as menu.txt.
Part 2:
Complete the body of the program including any function stubs. Save as functions.txt.
Write a description for each function that the program will use. Include why the function is included in the program. The information will be presented and save it as functions.doc
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