Project Details: Build an application which helps teams manage the implementation phase of a software development project using a Gantt Chart.

computer science


CSE3101 Semester Project Details Build an application which helps teams manage the implementation phase of a software development project using a Gantt Chart. The application should have at least two (two sensible) user roles within the given context. A Gantt Chart is a well known construct, as such, you are responsible for discovering the details needed for a useful application to be developed. The required features are listed below under Functional Requirements.. Functional Requirements 1. CRUD individual tasks. 2. View overall project timeline. 3. Allow for automatic updates to project tasks displaying time and cost overruns. 4. Allow users to comment on tasks. 5. Provide a summary of the current state of a project. 6. Support multiple projects. Rules Group Size - At most four members Programming Language - PHP Backend Frameworks - None Frontend Frameworks - Any Backend Architecture - Model View Controller Submission - ● Backend class diagram ● In-class presentation last week of semester Grade Allocation - ● Proper implementation of MVC ● Abstraction ● Extent to which the implementation matches the class diagrams ● Code quality

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