Project Select a problem that can be solved using a database approach. This may be a real problem, or you may use ideas from the text or class to create your own problem to solve. You must use Access 2010 or Access 2013 to create the forms and reports. Content Executive Overview that includes the problem your system proposes to solve, a short scenario description of how the problem will be solved and a description of the intended audience (who is the sponsor and who are the users). Database Model utilizing E-R Diagrams [including entities, relationships, cardinality and minimal cardinality (mandatory-optional)]. Relational Schema with keys indicated. A statement as to the form level in which your data model is normalized and supporting evidence to support your claim. If your model is not normalized, provide a statement to explain why. You may use listings of functional dependencies for evidence. Data Dictionary Complete listing of populated tables [For Access this will be included with your .accdb file. With Oracle, you will need to attach your Insert statements.
If using another database, you will need to attach the database file (ie SQL Server express) or the link to your database (MySQL) and info on how to access your database]. Listing of Queries (several must use 2+ tables) plus narrative describing the purpose of each query – need a minimum of 15 queries. At least 5 of those queries must use a join statement. You must include this in your project documentation - it is not enough to simply have the queries in Access – you can copy/paste the SQL from Access into your project document. Note you need to identify the question the query answers. CRUD Matrix (Forms versus Tables Matrix) – include a listing of forms and reports shown on the Matrix. Forms and Reports (with Data entered) [this, like your tables will be included with your database if using Access]. You must include screen shots here. One page reflection of your understanding of database technology development including challenges and your approach to their resolution. Appendices: Additional items you wish to include. If there are special instructions required for using your database, add them here. Format You will submit 2 files. All documentation is to be merged into one document (insert image files or screen shots for diagrams) that includes a table of contents . Please be sure I can read your document (i.e. the format should be word, pdf of rtf). Submit the .accdb file for your Access database. The easiest way to submit your work is to zip both files together
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