Project Title – The proper name used to identify this project; Project ID – The working name or acronym that will be used for the project; Sponsoring Organization – The organization sponsoring this project;



Project Charter

Applicable Processes/Procedures: Identify the process for creating a project charter

1.     General Information:

Project Title – The proper name used to identify this project; Project ID – The working name or acronym that will be used for the project; Sponsoring Organization – The organization sponsoring this project; Sponsor Representative – The name of the person representing the Sponsoring Organization; Prepared by – The person(s) preparing this document; Version – Version of this document.

Project Title:

Concur SAP Travel and Expense Solution

Project ID:


Sponsoring Organization:


Sponsor Representative:

Cindy Rosas

Prepared by:

Andre Menezes


Rev 01


2.     Project Stakeholders:

List all applicable project stakeholders.







Kristin Vaccaro


Program Manager

Dovlyn Curtis



Project Manager

Islam Areej


Customer / User Representative(s)

Kate Spencer





























3.     Executive Summary

Provide a brief overview of this project.

XXX is a consulting company. Their main goal is to provide IT services to other companies in the US, which requires its employees to travel. XXX is facing huge challenges to control its budget in travel and expense. Employees have been spending far more than XXXs travel policy determines. Additionally, XXX currently uses manual processes to control its expenses. The current process is, one needs to fill out a spreadsheet with all expenses, print the receipts and put everything and a sealed envelope. Then, the envelope needs to be delivered to HR. A few days later, HR delivers it to the approver. The approver reviews it and approves it or not by signing it. The approver then needs to deliver it to the financial department, which then validates it and finally reimburses the employee. It is easy to see how many problems can occur in this process. XXX believes it will be an opportunity to improve its travel and expense policy, as part of the new solution implementation.



4.     Project Purpose

Explain the reason(s) for doing this project. 

4.1.     Business Need / Problem

The Business Need / Problem is an issue or opportunity pertaining to the business which needs to be resolved / acted upon.  State in specific terms the issue or opportunity this project will address.  Often, the Business Need / Problem is a critical business issue or initiative in the Sponsoring Organization’s Strategic Plan.

The company is in need to create and implement a more efficient, controlled and cost-effective solution to avoid the maximum errors that can occur during the process of travel and expense procedure or SAP Concur in the company.

4.2.     Business Objectives

Define the specific Business Objectives of the project that correlate to the strategic initiatives or issues identified in the Sponsoring Organization’s Strategic Plan.  Every Business Objective must relate to at least one strategic initiative or issue and every initiative or issue cited must relate to at least one project business objective.

Strategic Plan Element

Project Business Objectives

Cost reduction of Travel and Expense.

Implement a travel and expense solution by 50%.

Increase efficiency of the company.

Eliminate unnecessary steps to improve productivity and timelines.



5.     Project Overview

5.1.     Project Description

Describe the project focus, approach, customer(s), and the boundary limits of the project.

Project focus-

Project Approach-


Boundary Limits-

5.2.     Scope

The Project Scope addresses the who, what, where, when, and why of a project. 







5.3.     Assumptions

Assumptions are statements taken for granted or accepted as true without proof.  Assumptions are made in the absence of fact.  List and describe the assumptions made in the decision to charter this project.


5.4.     Constraints

Constraints are boundary conditions that the project must stay within.  List and describe the constraints applicable to this project.




6.     Project Requirements / Deliverables

The Project Requirements / Deliverables define what the project must accomplish, including the customer/ user requirements and products / services to be provided by the project.



7.     Project Management Milestones and Deliverables

Provide a list of Project Management Milestones and Deliverables.  This list of deliverables is not the same as the products and services provided by the project, but is specific to the management of the project.  An example of a Project Management Milestone is the Project Plan Completed.

Milestone / Deliverable

Estimated Date

Responsible Individual











8.     Costs / Budget

Identify the initial funding required by the project and/or committed to this project by the project sponsor.  Additional funding may be requested / committed upon completion of the detailed project plan. 











9.     Personnel & Other Resources

Identify the personnel and other resources required by the project and/or committed to this project by the project sponsor.  Additional resources may be committed upon completion of the detailed project plan. 



Project Team








Software Tools





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