Proposal to work on “Sprandel, Inc.: Electronic Workpapers, Audit Documentation, and Closing Review Notes in the Audit of Accounts Receivable” by Andiola, Lambert, and Lynch, Issues in Accounting Education



1. Please read the attached case (Andiola et al, 2018).

2. Prepare a case proposal.

Your proposal will be 600-1100 words as follows:

Title (exact words): Proposal to work on “Sprandel, Inc.: Electronic Workpapers, Audit Documentation, and Closing Review Notes in the Audit of Accounts Receivable” by Andiola, Lambert, and Lynch, Issues in Accounting Education (2018)

Submitted by (student name, two students can submit jointly)

Summary of the case in your own words; integrate what you read to the knowledge you have gained so far in this course (no copying and pasting, 500 words)

Is this case interesting to you?  



·       If yes, provide an additional 500-word explanation why it is interesting.  Ideally, you should cite other literature to support your comments.  If you do so, please reference your citations below.  The default grade if everything is correct is a B.  To earn an A, I need to learn something new that I did not know before.




References - at a minimum, reference the case:

Andiola, L., Lambert, T. and Lynch, E. (2018).   Sprandel, Inc.: Electronic Workpapers, Audit Documentation, and Closing Review Notes in the Audit of Accounts Receivable. Issues in Accounting Education: May, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 43-55.


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