Propose strategies of policing to reduce fear of crime. The paper should include the following components: Describe what community policing is and why it is important.



Propose strategies of policing to reduce fear of crime. The paper should include the following components: Describe what community policing is and why it is important. Identify which crimes the public worries about most frequently and establish a demographic profile of those who worry about crime more than others. Based on the above evidence and patterns identified, propose a strategic plan of crime fear reduction in terms of target groups, target areas, and type of program(s), including how technology can assist with this effort. The writing quality of your proposal should meet the following requirements: Be 3-4 pages in length. Include at least two academic sources, in addition to the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these sources. Be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Guidelines.

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