provides an opportunity to experience the Analysis and Conclusion stages of the Scientific Inquiry Framework (“PPDAC”), in addition to applying concepts from earlier stages. Specifically, this includes:



Lab Assignment 3 provides an opportunity to experience the Analysis and Conclusion stages of the Scientific Inquiry Framework (“PPDAC”), in addition to applying concepts from earlier stages. Specifically, this includes:

i. applying your understanding of vocabulary and concepts associated with analyzing data; 

ii. identifying an appropriate model for a specific research question; 

iii. checking the conditions for the model underlying the relevant statistical inference procedures; 

iv. interpreting the results of statistical inference procedures, and,

v. reporting conclusions in appropriate scientific formats. 

To achieve these objectives, you will need to draw on content from Online Modules 1 (Working with Data in R), 2 (Visualizing and Summarizing Data in R), 3 (Inference on the centre of a distribution) and 4 (Inference on One Proportion) and from (related) course material. 

Background for Assignment 

In the first Lab Assignment, you were introduced to a little background information that led/explained the logic behind the following Research Objective for 2244 labs:

In Lab Assignment 1, you were tasked with Planning a sampling and study design to collect data to address some research questions related to this Objective. In Lab Assignment 2, you were introduced to the sampling and study design for a research study related to this objective, and provided a datafile from that study. You should re-acquaint yourself with the sampling and study design that generated the data, and the Data Description file you were provided. You will be working with the same data for Lab 

Instructions for Assignment

To help you approach this Assignment in a logical/organized fashion, you are encouraged to follow these steps (in the order presented). 

1. Refresh your memory (as needed) about the data we are working with, as described in the Data Description. 

2. Read through the remainder of this Assignment file, including the “Reminders/Tips for Success”, the Assignment Questions, and the comments related to Marking Rubrics so that you know what you are being asked to do. 

3. Open the “Answer template” file. Use this file to type/enter your answers to the Assignment Questions; it is set up with the proper headings for this Assignment; you just need to input your answers (use whatever space you need to do so). Refer back the Assignment Guidelines and Format file (with respect to formatting of R code, graphs, etc. in assignments) that was provided alongside this Assignment.

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