Re-read Chapter #6, especially pp. 239-246 (A copy of Ch. 6 can be located in the Ereserves folder under Business Forecasting Chapter 6.)



1.  Re-read Chapter #6, especially pp. 239-246 (A copy of Ch. 6 can be located in the Ereserves folder under Business Forecasting Chapter 6.)

2.  Read my Nonlinear Functional Forms notes located under 'Course Documents' and my 'Additional Comments to Chapter 6' found in your Discussion Board.

a.  Nonlinear Functional Forms notes---some of this particular lecture series notes relate to multiple regression but the beginning of the document is in terms of a  bi-variate or two variable regression model

3. Review the Panopto Recording document on ' S&P--Income--Double Logarithmic Regression'.  Also, see pp. 274-277 in the textbook for a discussion of the MINITAB regression procedure.

4.  Do Prob_6_11 using the above Hanke data Excel attachment.

5.  Using a combination of MINITAB and ECONOMAGIC, select the two data sets attached above with the Standard and Poor’s (i.e., Index Number) as the dependent variable (Y) and Real Disposable Income ($B) as the independent variable (X).  Notice the periodicity of the data are monthly observations and the data begin January 1959.

(a) Estimate and interpret the un-logged regression equation with S&P as the dependent variable.  Also compute a point and 95% prediction interval forecast for the S&P assuming Disposable Income is $15,500B ($15.5T)

 (b) Estimate a doubled logged regression equation.

1. First transform both dependent variable (S&P) and the independent variable (Real Disposable Income) into their natural logarithmic counterparts and then re-estimate and interpret the regression equation. (the attached Excel document has done the transformations and can be located in columns F and G)

2. Report your results comparing the two regression equations (i.e., un-logged and logged) in a brief one or two paragraph summary.

   a. Make sure you interpret the regression coefficients, the t-tests, the F-statistic, and the R-Square for both the unlogged and logged regressions.

3.  No forecasts are necessary for this logarithmic portion of the assignment

6.  Submit 4 & 5 to this link as a single WORD document and clearly indicate in BOLD type the question number with the appropriate an

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