Read the following articles, critique them, and then write a summary essay about how COVID is being address as it pertains to vulnerable groups. What does this mean from a human rights and a policy perspective?



Read the following articles, critique them, and then write a summary essay about how COVID is being address as it pertains to vulnerable groups.  What does this mean from a human rights and a policy perspective?

Children and Covid


COVID articles and positions of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Links to an external site.)

CDC,17%20years)%20compared%20with%20adults.&text=While%20children%20comprise%2022%25%20of,of%20August%203rd%2C%202020 (Links to an external site.)

Washington Post - (Links to an external site.)

CNN- (Links to an external site.)

NBC - (Links to an external site.)

My article – check out the hyper links

what if children and covid.docxPreview the document


COVID and Elders

CDC -,or%20they%20may%20even%20die (Links to an external site.)

Hopkins (Links to an external site.)

Medical News Today (Links to an external site.)

ACL - (Links to an external site.)

COVID and vulnerable populations

COVID impact on vulnerable populations youtube (Links to an external site.)


Homeless people and COVID (Links to an external site.)


COVID impact on indigenous populations (Links to an external site.)


COVID impact on asylum seekers and immigrants in detention facilities (Links to an external site.)

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