Remember to round figures using the number of digits specified in each question.



Second QMSS Assignment – AY 2019-2020


Name ……………………….   Surname ………………………. University ID ………………..

BEFORE uploading this document, please complete the next table.

Suggestion: you could use a chronometer to monitor how long you spent to complete the assignment.

By the way, time will not absolutely be part of the final evaluation.

I started my assignment at


I completed the assignment at


It took me

……….. to complete the assignment



Sum, pivot tables and vlookup are the only Excel functions accepted.    

All statistical functions (centers of distribution, variance, standard deviation, range, correlation …) ARE NEVER allowed.

Use Excel built-in functions exclusively when explicitly required.

Remember to round figures using the number of digits specified in each question. If no specification is required, you are allowed to use your own criteria. 

Concerning the Excel file that you must upload, please remember to fill the background color of the cells containing the final answers using green.

The Excel file you upload should contain at least the following sheets:

-          all computations on the database available on Bb (use as many sheets as required);


The assignment that will be evaluated includes 2 files that need to be uploaded on Blackboard:

- the document (i.e. pdf version) and

- the Excel file containing your elaborations.


NOTE FOR MAC USERS: Please, in order to avoid any inconvenience, make sure your Excel file can be read using Windows OS (and in particular Excel for Windows).

Please, be sure you name your files as follows:

your surname_ID.pdf (e.g. uberti_4701329.pdf)

your surname_ID.xlsx (e.g. uberti_4701329.xlsx)


Please, access data available online and downloaded from World Development Indicators by World Bank during December 2019. Data are relative to 2010.

QUESTION 1 – Cleaning the database (10 points)

1a. Reshape original data as follows: countries by rows and variables by columns. Once you reshaped data, you need to remove all countries with missing data. How many countries do you have in total after cleaning the data? n = …

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

1b. For every country in the database you need to associate “Region” and “Income group” categories available in the file named “WB_Classification.xlxs”.

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

1c. Compute the variable “GDP per capita” using the most appropriate variables.

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

1d. Compute the variable “pub_pc” as publications per 1,000,000 inhabitants using the most appropriate variables.

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

Name your variables as follows:


New name

Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births)


GDP per capita PPP (current international $)

GDP per capita

Scientific and technical journal articles per millions inhabitants


1e. For variables “Region” and “Income group”, compute two frequency tables including absolute frequency (AF), percentages (P) and cumulative frequency (CF)

Remember to round figures using 2 digits after decimal separator. 

Copy and paste the tables below.

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

1f. For variables “Region” and “Income group”, compute the most appropriate centers of distribution for both variables.

Remember to round figures using 2 digits after decimal separator. 

Copy and paste the values below.

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

1g. For variables “Region” and “Income group”, draw the most appropriate graphs.

You are free to use the color you rather prefer, but border should have width equal to 2 pt and color border must be “dark blue”. 

Copy and paste the graph below.

Remember that any graph should be complete in each part.

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

1h. Compute a contingency matrix including “income group” categories on the rows and “region” on the columns.

Copy and paste the table below.

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

1i. For both previous tables, compute the conditional distributions by rows.

Remember to round figures using 2 digits after decimal separator. 

 Copy and paste the table below.

Computations are available in worksheet named ________________

Related Questions in statistics category