Research paper Draft a 3-6 Report/Analysis, including bibliography (2 source minimum; see attached ‘Guidelines’), discussing one of the following US federal government agencies, including its function/purpose, history, current budget & possible solutions



Research paper Draft a 3-6 Report/Analysis, including bibliography (2 source minimum; see attached ‘Guidelines’), discussing one of the following US federal government agencies, including its function/purpose, history, current budget & possible solutions for reform/restructuring. In particular, assess whether, in your view, its continued funding is critical to the country in light of the federal debt, redundancies, free-market alternatives &, especially whether its actual existence is consistent with the purpose of government as envisioned & articulated in the US Constitution. 

Due one week before the Final. US Federal Agencies Social Security Administration (; Health & Human Services Administration (; Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (; Federal Housing Agency (; Department of Education (; Department of Labor (; National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) (; Department of Energy (; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (; Nasa (; Department of Commerce (; Federal Reserve Board (; Securities & Exchange Commission (; Consumer Financial Protection Agency (; Federal Communication C (

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