Research project on a Human Resources Management topic



  • Research Paper Project
  • As an individual, complete a research project on a Human Resources Management topic. The topic is the student’s choice, but must relate to one of the areas of Human Resources Management studied in this course.
  • I attached my topic and some stuff you need to talk about: My topic is Understanding employee turnover and learning to measure and control it, and I attached the rubric.
  • Length: The research paper must be 7-8 pages in content length(cover page, index, works cited, references DO NOT count toward content length)double-spaced. Substantial point values will be deducted for not meeting the minimum requirement of 7-8 full pages of content (title pages, table of contents, works cited, images, graphs, excessive bullet points and other fillers will not be counted toward the 7 content pages).
  • Resources/Works Cited: The project requires at least 6 peer-reviewed resources to substantiate the group's findings.One or two of these resources may be substituted by interviews with working Human Resources professionals. The interview notes and Q&A must be attached to the paper in an appendix and be cited properly.
  • Grading Rubric:Presentations will be graded on the basisoutlined in the syllabus: (1) relevance and persuasiveness of content, (2) the number and quality of resources used, (3) the appropriate citations of resources, and (4) the student's organization of materials and use of English grammar and spelling.
  • Paper Structure: Each presentation should include:1) Title Page,2) Table of Contents,3)Introduction of the chosen topic in which the purpose of the paper is clearly stated, 4) 7-8 pages of contentwith topics clearly defined with subheadings,5) Current issues and future trends section(can be included in the main body of the paper, but must be specifically identified),6) Conclusion in which the points covered in the presentation are summarized to support the student's initial purpose, and7) Student perspective- A summary of the student thoughts on the topic including for example aspects of the topic the student found interesting or unexpected,8) Work Cited Page.
  • Originality Review: Expect thatall work will be submitted to Turnitin.comwhere the research assignment submitted will be compared against all works published and unpublished (ie. other student works or white papers from individuals) that have been.
  • Plagiarism: Unintentional or intentional will not be tolerated. Plagiarism on any assignment may lead to in the last, penalties of a zero on the assignment and depending on the severity of the offense an F in the course and further University action.Be sure to cite all works appropriately. TheUniversity Writing center is a great resourceto utilize if you have any questions about paper structure, citations, etc.
  • Additional points: This assignment is a research paper. Many times students will create and develop a 6 page opinion regarding their topic instead of a research and fact/data based project. Provide facts and cite relevant examples, but make sure you can support them with proper resources and citation.

This assignment represents 20% of the overall grade for this course. Please do good on this paper, and don't copy and paste, write in your own words.. I expect A on this paper.

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